Sharing Life Lessons

Happy New Year to you all.

My name is Kimati Akai Ramsey. I’m a twenty-year old student-athlete, cellist, and tutor. I am presently in my sophomore year of college. First and foremost I would like to give thanks to Mr. George Raveling for allowing me the opportunity to share through a column on his newly launched website. It will no doubt offer incredible tools and resources.

I met Mr. Raveling last summer, right after my freshman year of college. In the short time I’ve shared with Mr. Raveling, I’ve been impacted by his wisdom, generosity, and compassion. I’m very grateful to call him my mentor and friend. From our very first encounter last summer, Mr. Raveling stressed the importance of using one’s own attributes to help others to grow and develop. With this column, I intend to do exactly that.

In my living, I have been fortunate enough to learn from my life challenges. As a result, I’ve become a wiser and more mature individual. This column will consist of motivational topics and dialogue, goal setting and time management strategies. These topics alone have drastically impacted my own life, and have been extremely beneficial on my journey from high school to college. Through this column you will learn more about my life journey. I’m hoping you will be able to take some lessons away to inspire and discover your own success and passion.

As I sign off of each column, I will end with a quote, which has inspired me. Today’s quote will be from the late legendary UCLA men’s basketball coach and extraordinary human being Coach John Wooden. Coach Wooden lived and preached this simple but profound message, stating, “Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.” Until next time, continue to dream, to be great, and work each day to fulfill your aspirations and dreams.


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