The Power of Know

Webster’s dictionary defines POWER as the possession of control, authority, or influence over others. Power is something that people have coveted since the beginning of time. There are many different kinds of power including physical, social, financial, and political to name a few. People work tirelessly to achieve it, they pay large sums of money to obtain it, and some even cheat to procure it. It’s what drives corporations and countries.

As I’ve alluded to, there are countless kinds of power, but as an educator, I feel that the most important power, and the power that has the most effect on society is KNOWLEDGE.

In the Revere Public School system, where I’ve taught since the early 70’s, we’ve developed a program called “The Power of Know” It’s a power that every human being is born with. When cultivated and used correctly, knowledge can be the most positive influence on society. However, when misused it can become one of society’s most grievous menaces.

I try to instill “The Power of Know” into the young people of Revere on a daily basis not only in the classroom, but out on the ballfields, basketball courts, and any other kid’s activity that I have access to.

There are countless bits of information that comprise this power and the number increases every hour for youngsters, but the one that I concentrate on the most with my students in Revere is the power to know what’s right and what’s wrong. Even my youngest students inately KNOW this, but in our society today there are not nearly enough adults who take the time to reinforce the right/wrong concept with children. This lack of reinforcement by parents, coaches, teachers etc.,has contributed to the sad state of affairs that exist today.

Because of the existence of this power of know excuses have become unacceptable. If an adult is playing close enough attention to the children that they are responsible for, they will KNOW when something is awry. The signs will be obvious and most will be simple to recognize. For example, if a kid is smoking or drinking you can easily SMELL it on their breath or clothes. I encounter parents, all the time, that claim that they had “no clue” that their kids were involved with drugs. That is an outright lie. If a child is drunk, or otherwise impaired it is easy to see the physical outward signs such as slurred speech, unsteady balance, unusual behavior, etc. Don’t insult my intelligence by saying that you “DON’T KNOW”. I have a 17 year old son who goes out regularly with friends, to parties, on dates, and the usual places where teenaged kids go. His Mom and I have set good examples for him and we trust him to make good decisions, BUT every time he comes home and comes in to say good night to us with a hug he jokingly says sometimes “you’re not hugging me, you’re SMELLING me”. If more parents “smelled” their kids, if more coaches “smelled” their players, we could go a long way toward controlling a major problem that we have with kids and substances today. It just takes some effort on the part of parents, coaches, and other adults to use their powers of know to KNOW where there children are, KNOW who they hang with, and KNOW what their up to.

Also know how your kids dress. Certain styles of dress, certain tilts of the hat, certain color combinations, certain ways that clothes are worn (eg. low riding pants or messages on t-shirts) can have gang implications. Shame on parents and coaches who don’t pay attention to things like the way their kids/players dress when they go out. Adults CANNOT overlook any suspicious behavior in young people. Communication is vital.

Coaches at all levels are NEVER exempt from using their powers of know. They must pay attention to every minute detail of what their players do. Gross changes in attitude, obvious changes in physical appearance, and even things like the sudden appearance of expensive jewelry should be addressed immediately. Don’t use the excuse that you DIDN’T KNOW that your kids might be juicing, or using, or receiving illegal gifts. Seemingly small problems can become huge problems pretty quickly if not addressed.

The power of know is purely human. You can’t buy it in stores or order it online. You don’t have to work out in a gym to strengthen it. It strengthens itself when people simply pay attention to what goes on in the world every day.

There is NO technology involved in the development of the power of know. You can’t blame “glitches” for any malfunctions. Any of those are caused by human error, mostly due to lack of interest. The power of know is a power of the people. It is run and maintained by people, and when not used in a positive manner, it is people who are responsible for the consequences. Placing blame is just another sorry excuse for not accepting responsibility.

The power of know knows NO societal boundaries. Whether rich or poor, strong or weak, smart or not so, king or serf this power does not discriminate. It’s not just an intelligence thing to use in school, it’s a general knowledge thing that can and should be used anywhere.

In my last blog I spoke about strategies that can be used to combat bullying. There are strategies that are specific to certain situations. However, there is just one “all purpose” strategy that can be used anywhere and in any situation and that is communication. When using your power of know, not being afraid to COMMUNICATE about what you know is a must. Don’t expect people to always agree with what you say that you know, but if you hold back and don’t communicate about it, the consequences could be deadly. Don’t be scared to exercise your power of know. As a parent, teacher, coach, friend or family member having the strength to use it could save a life.

The next time that you feel like you’re powerless in any situation, stop for a second, stop making excuses and blaming people, and think about using that power that you do have to make a difference. Things come and go, life has ebbs and flows, but the one thing that remains consistent in everyone is “The Power of Know” Don’t be afraid to use yours.

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