23 Life Choices That Are In Your Control


American economist and social theorist Thomas Sowell once expressed, “One of the bittersweet things about growing old is realizing how mistaken you were when you were young.” The last twenty-one years of my life, I have been aboard a spaceship exploring the planet called “Knowledge.” I have been striving to collect as much “Wisdom” as I can while implementing the lessons learned into my living. What we do not know is far greater than what we do.

How do you expect to be free, if you are afraid? We have two choices in life we can be a participant or a spectator. At some point, we must be willing to sail against the winds. To challenge the status quo. To live a life that is most aligned with our intuition and authentic self.  I have learned to invest less in materials and more in people, minds, knowledge, wisdom, growth, and books.

Sometimes in life, you have to go backward to go forward. One of our greatest possessions is our attitude. Every strength is a weakness while every weakness is a strength. Our dreams must be bigger than our fears. While our actions must be louder than our words. The voices inside your head will shape what you see, think and feel.

As the late great poet Maya Angelou once expressed “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” Each day is a unique opportunity to explore the outer depths of who you are while being a positive difference maker in another life. We have full control over the following choices every day. How we manage our time, energy, relationships, and thoughts is up to us though. May see what others do not see. Do what others will not do. Ask what others are afraid to ask. And give more than others are willing to give on your journey!

1. Be YOU, not them.

2. Do more, expect less.

3. Be positive, not negative.

4. Be the solution, not the problem.

5. Be a starter, not a stopper.

6. Question more, believe less.

7. Be a somebody, never a nobody.

8. Love more, hate less.

9. Give more, take less.

10. See more, look less.

11. Save more, spend less.

12. Listen more, talk less.

13. Walk more, sit less.

14. Read more, watch less.

15. Build more, destroy less.

16. Praise more, criticize less.

17. Clean more, dirty less.

18. Live more, do not just exist.

19. Be the answer, not the question.

20. Be a lover, not a hater.

21. Be a painkiller, not a pain giver.

22. Think more, react less.

23. Be more uncommon, less common.

23 Life Choices That Are In Your Control
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23 Life Choices That Are In Your Control
We have full control over the following choices every day. How we manage our time, energy, relationships, and thoughts is up to us though. May see what others do not see. Do what others will not do. Ask what others are afraid to ask. And give more than others are willing to give on your journey!
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Coaching For Success
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