50 Promises I Make To Myself

George Raveling

Most of us have two lives, the life we live and the “un-lived” life within us. I always say, two of the greatest days are the day we are born and the day we figure out why. We have much greater control over our lives than we think. The problem, however, is that most of us allow people and events exterior of us to create the environment, to dictate our experience and to make the rules for how we live and govern our one and only life.

Life should not be taken too seriously. We must make time to sing, love, dance, smile, play, and laugh while rooting for and empowering the person we see in the mirror. Strive not to judge the reflection in the mirror. Instead be kind to that reflection and give yourself permission to be whole, present and unique. On this journey, you are only in competition with one person and one person only, “yourself.” Halt comparing your life to others and simply be the best version of who you are.

It is extremely easy to not follow through on promises we make to ourselves. After all, no one is there to hold us accountable. However, we must practice self-discipline daily and perform at a high level of excellence with everything we wholeheartedly pursue, even when no one is watching. The promises we make to ourselves become more important than the promises we make to others. Because if we cannot lead ourselves, how can we expect to lead others?

May the following fifty promises I make to myself allow you to surrender and let go of any untruths, unproductive and old ways of living; in order to awaken all of who you are to new heights of awareness, engagement, and discovery.

Today, I promise to make…

1. My life productive.

2. My words inspiring.

3. My friendships authentic.

4. Books my best friend.

5. My masterpiece.

6. People feel they are important.

7. Peace not war.

8. Friends, not enemies.

9. A way out of no way.

10. My dreams a reality.

11. Hate and anger unnecessary.

12. Winning and losing the same thing.

13. Truth-telling a habit.

14. Injustice my battleground.

15. Myself unforgettable.

16. My voice a song of love.

17. My mind and body an instrument of positive change.

18. Black and white, gray.

19. Failure a success.

20. Money and materials a secondary.

21. The roads ahead safe to travel.

22. A lost a win and a win a lost.

23. Peace with myself.

24. Homes for the homeless.

25. Life simpler to live.

26. My story memorable.

27. Knowledge the answer.

28. My thoughts pure.

29. The end, the beginning.

30. Every second count.

31. Life fulfilling.

32. The old young and the young old.

33. My ego manageable.

34. Giving and sharing a priority.

35. The journey worthwhile.

36. Success definable.

37. Failure temporary.

38. Great strides forward, not backward.

39. My mind a history book.

40. A path for others to follow.

41. My journey on the road less traveled.

42. Criticism a welcome guest.

43. More conversations than gossip.

44. Money worthless.

45. The workplace a fun place.

46. The truth, true.

47. Leaders accountable.

48. Statistics and data understandable.

49. The face in the mirror my friend.

50. Power reside in the hands of the masses.

50 Promises I Make To Myself
Article Name
50 Promises I Make To Myself
May the following fifty promises I make to myself allow you to surrender and let go of any untruths, unproductive and old ways of living; in order to awaken all of who you are to new heights of awareness, engagement, and discovery.
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Coaching For Success
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